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Books by Sren Bro Pold

Speculative Everything(1st Edition)
Design, Fiction, and Social Dreaming (The MIT Press)
by Shaowen Bardzell, Jeffrey Bardzell, Mark Blythe, Roland Barthes, Jofish Kaye, Umberto Eco, Wolfgang Iser, Walter Benjamin, Herbert Marcuse, Erik Stolterman, Louis Althusser, Paul Dourish, Judith Butler, Ann Light, Bruno Latour, Carl Disalvo, Mikhail Bakhtin, Peter, Gilbert Cockton, Stuart Hall, Alan F. Blackwell, Arthur C. Danto, John Mccarthy, Allan Kaprow, Kirsten Boehner, Michel Foucault, Associate Professor Melanie Feinberg, Elizabeth F. Churchill, John Bowers, Edward W. Said, Seyla Benhabib, Olav W. Bertelsen, Terry Eagleton, Søren Kierkegaard, Slavoj Žižek, Søren Bro Pold, James C. Scott, Hrönn B. Holmer, Phoebe Sengers, Kaiton Williams, Beki Grinter, Slavoj Zizek, Sren Kierkegaard, Sren Bro Pold, Mark A. Blythe, Melanie Feinberg, Aristotle
Hardcover, 840 Pages, Published 2018 by The Mit Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-262-03798-3, ISBN: 0-262-03798-X

"Classic texts by thinkers from Althusser to Žižek alongside essays by leaders in interaction design and HCI show the relevance of critical theory to interaction design. Why should interaction designers read critical theory? Critical theory is proving unexpectedly relevant to media and technology studies. The editors of this volume argue that reading critical theory -- understood in the broadest sense, including but not limited to the Fr ..."

The Metainterface
The Art of Platforms, Cities, and Clouds (The MIT Press)
by Christian Ulrik Andersen, Soren Bro Pold, Sã¸Ren Bro Pold, Sren Bro Pold
Hardcover, 248 Pages, Published 2018 by The Mit Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-262-03794-5, ISBN: 0-262-03794-7

"How the interface has moved from the PC into cultural platforms, as seen in a series of works of net art, software art and electronic literature. The computer interface is both omnipresent and invisible, at once embedded in everyday objects and characterized by hidden exchanges of information between objects. The interface has moved from office into culture, with devices, apps, the cloud, and data streams as new cultural platforms. In T ..."

All Authors

Sren Bro Pold

Edward Said

John Bowers

Elizabeth Churchill

Olav Bertelsen

Seyla Benhabib

Terry Eagleton

Allan Kaprow

John Mccarthy

Arthur Danto