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Books by Lucian Boia

The Weather in the Imagination
by Lucian Boia, Roger Leverdier
Paperback, 224 Pages, Published 2005 by Reaktion Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-86189-214-0, ISBN: 1-86189-214-4

"The weather has always been a traditional topic of conversation; it is probably the most common dialogue between human beings. But even at this everyday level, there are indications that it is regarded with unease. Yet our apparent dread of the weather is puzzling, as we generally adapt to it remarkably well. "The Weather in the Imagination" analyses the theories and scenarios caused by climate. These fall into three main categories: an ..."

Forever Young(1st Edition)
A Cultural History of Longevity from Antiquity to the Present
by Lucian Boia
Paperback, 256 Pages, Published 2004 by Reaktion Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-86189-154-9, ISBN: 1-86189-154-7

"Forever Young offers a wide-ranging survey of the notion of longevity, from antiquity to the present. The author looks at the many manifestations of one of humanity’s most powerful dreams: the prolongation of life and youth with immortality as a final objective. Using a variety of sources – religion, folk traditions, science, literature and art – the book shows on the one hand the persistence of the human spirit (the desire for longevit ..."

Pour Une Histoire de L'Imaginaire
by Lucian Boia
Paperback, 228 Pages, Published 1999 by Iuniverse.Com
ISBN-13: 978-1-58348-720-4, ISBN: 1-58348-720-4

"[This book is written in French.] Pour une Histoire de L'Imaginaire est à la source de toutes choses humaines, de la politique à la religion ou la science en passant par les rapports sociaux. Mais peut-on écrire l’histoire de cette fonction de l’esprit et en dégager les lois? Lucian Boia le croit et essaie de le prouver. Après avoir cerné les contours de l’imaginaire et en avoir précisé le sens, il le montre à l’oeuvre à t ..."

Great Historians of the Modern Age(1st Edition)
An International Dictionary
by Lucian Boia, Editor-Keith Hitchins, Editor-Ellen Nore, Georg G. Iggers
Hardcover, 868 Pages, Published 1991 by Greenwood
ISBN-13: 978-0-313-27328-5, ISBN: 0-313-27328-6

"This book, an international collaboration sponsored by the Commission on the History of Historiography, is devoted to historians of the 19th and 20th centuries. Offering dictionary entries for historians from more than 35 countries, the editors have sought to illustrate specific domains of history and focus on those scholars who were important to particular cultures and histories. Consultants from each area suggested historians for incl ..."

Great Historians from Antiquity to 1800(1st Edition)
An International Dictionary (Great American Orators; 4)
by Lucian Boia, Ellen Nore
Hardcover, 440 Pages, Published 1989 by Greenwood
ISBN-13: 978-0-313-24517-6, ISBN: 0-313-24517-7

"A biographical dictionary in the field of historiography, this volume consists of brief articles on the life and work of 600 historians from all over the world. The introduction by Boia traces the evolution of the field. Entries are arranged alphabetically by country or geographic area, and include brief bibliographies. Reference & Research Book NewsThe result of an extensive international collaboration between scholars and researchers, ..."

Romania(1st Edition)
(Reaktion Books - Topographics)
by Lucian Boia
Paperback, 240 Pages, Published 2004 by Reaktion Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-86189-103-7, ISBN: 1-86189-103-2

"Romania occupies a unique position on the map of Eastern Europe. It is a country that presents many paradoxes. In this book the preeminent Romanian historian Lucian Boia examines his native land's development from the Middle Ages to modern times, delineating its culture, history, language, politics and ethnic identity. Boia introduces us to the heroes and myths of Romanian history, and provides an enlightening account of the history of ..."

Romania : Borderland of Europe
by Lucian Boia
Published 2004
ISBN-13: 978-1-86189-458-8, ISBN: 1-86189-458-9

History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness
by Lucian Boia
Published 2001
ISBN-13: 978-0-585-41946-6, ISBN: 0-585-41946-9

History and Myth in Romanian Consciousness
by Lucian Boia
Paperback, 270 Pages, Published 2001 by Central European University Press
ISBN-13: 978-963-9116-97-9, ISBN: 963-9116-97-1

"This book stems from the idea that there is a considerable difference between real history and discourse history. Boia points out that history is constantly reconstructed, adapted and sometimes mythified from the perspective of the present day, of present states of mind and ideologies. Boia closely examines the process of historical culture and conscience in nineteenth and twentieth century Romania, particularly concentrating on the imp ..."

Les Pieges De L'histoire(1st Edition)
L'elite Intellectuelle Roumaine (1930-1950) (Romans, Essais, Poesie, Documents) (French Edition)
by Lucian Boia, Laure Hinckel
Paperback, 386 Pages, Published 2013 by Les Belles Lettres
ISBN-13: 978-2-251-44461-1, ISBN: 2-251-44461-0

"English summary: Lucien Boias nuanced study of countless sources sheds much needed light on Romanian intellectual society during one of its most troubling times. Boia examines the question faced by the intellectual elite as they traversed a world war and several regime changes, comparing the intransigence of some with the acquiescence of others, balancing our understanding of these men trapped by History. French description: Le comport ..."

Une Interpretation Historique (Romans, Essais, Poesie, Documents) (French Edition)
by Lucian Boia
Paperback, 280 Pages, Published 2007 by Les Belles Lettres
ISBN-13: 978-2-251-44325-6, ISBN: 2-251-44325-8

"La thèse contraire, qui accuse les pratiques discriminatoires de l'Occident, chez Sophie Bessis, L'Occident et les autres. Histoire d 'une suprématie, Paris, 2002. différent, mais non moins contradictoire. Comment pratiquer la démocratie dans ..."

by Lucian Boia
Paperback, Published 2011 by Editura Humanitas
ISBN-13: 978-973-50-4046-8, ISBN: 973-50-4046-8

Romans, Essais, Poesie, Documents(1st Edition)
Hégémonie Ou Déclin de la France : La Fabrication d'Un Mythe National
by Lucian Boia
Paperback, 240 Pages, Published 2009 by Les Belles Lettres
ISBN-13: 978-2-251-44370-6, ISBN: 2-251-44370-3

"La France décline, la France sombre, la France se relève, la France montre le chemin : où est la vérité dans ces figures contrastées de l'imaginaire français ? Alarmistes ou nostalgiques, les métaphores abondent pour décrire la France qui tombe . Pourtant les chiffres qui rendraient objectifs la splendeur d'hier et le déclin d'aujourd'hui ne sont pas si probants. La France de jadis, qui se croyait puissante, était un pays moyennement dé ..."

Jules Verne
Les Paradoxes D'Un Mythe (Romans, Essais, Poesie, Documents) (French Edition)
by Lucian Boia
Paperback, 304 Pages, Published 2005 by Les Belles Lettres
ISBN-13: 978-2-251-44282-2, ISBN: 2-251-44282-0

"Longtemps percu comme vulgarisateur et auteur de romans destines a la jeunesse, Jules Verne est devenu un ecrivain a part entiere et plus que cela, un veritable mythe, tiraille entre des interpretations contradictoires. Pionnier de la technologie moderne (les Americains auraient repris sa recette pour aller sur la lune) ou porteur d'un message mythologique et religieux? Progressiste ou traditionaliste? Optimiste ou pessimiste? De droite ..."

L'homme Face Au Climat
L'imaginaire De La Pluie Et Du Beau Temps (Romans, Essais, Poesie, Documents) (French Edition)
by Lucian Boia
Paperback, 210 Pages, Published 2004 by Les Belles Lettres
ISBN-13: 978-2-251-44263-1, ISBN: 2-251-44263-4

"dans La Météorologie, numéro spécial, avril 1995, pp. 52-57. Voir aussi Claude Thomasset et Joëlle Ducos (éd.), Le temps qu'il fait au Moyen Age, Paris, ..."

La Roumanie
Un Pays a La Frontiere De L'europe (Romans, Essais, Poesie, Documents) (French Edition)
by Lucian Boia, Laurent Rossin
Paperback, 416 Pages, Published 2003 by Les Belles Lettres
ISBN-13: 978-2-251-44243-3, ISBN: 2-251-44243-X

"415 pages augmentées de nombreuses photos en noir et blanc dans le texte. Bon état Couv. convenable Intérieur frais In-8 Carré Broché TRaduit du roumain par Laurent ROSSION"

Die Germanophilen(1st Edition)
Die rumänische Elite zu Beginn des Ersten Weltkrieges (German Edition)
by Lucian Boia, Larisa Schippel, Julia Richter, Thede Kahl
Paperback, 368 Pages, Published 2014 by Frank & Timme
ISBN-13: 978-3-7329-0115-9, ISBN: 3-7329-0115-7

"CONSTANTINESCU, Miron & PASCU, Ștefan (1968): Desăvârșirea unificării statului național român. Unirea ... CORTEANU, Andrei (1915): „Războiul european şi interesele noastre”, Convorbiri literare, Februar 1915, 184ff. ... COȘBUC, George (1950): Pentru libertate – Bucureşti: Editura pentru Literatură și Artă. COȘBUC, George; SCRIDON, Gavril & CHIVU, Gheorghe (Hg.) (2006): Opere I. Poezii."

Napoleon III(1st Edition)
Le Mal-Aime (Romans, Essais, Poesie, Documents) (French Edition)
by Lucian Boia
Paperback, 239 Pages, Published 2008 by Belles Lettres (Les)
ISBN-13: 978-2-251-44340-9, ISBN: 2-251-44340-1

"Jean Etèvenaux présente dans Napoléon III (2006), « un empereur visionnaire à réhabiliter » : texte assez banal et partisan, mais belle iconographie. ..."

Romans, Essais, Poesie, Documents Ser.(1st Edition)
Le Mythe de la Democratie
by Lucian Boia
Paperback, 176 Pages, Published 2002 by Les Belles Lettres
ISBN-13: 978-2-251-44204-4, ISBN: 2-251-44204-9

"Pour Lucian Boia, la démocratie effective (supposant à la fois, et sans aucune restriction, la souveraineté du peuple, la liberté et l'égalité) n'existe pas et n'existera jamais. Autrement dit, la démocratie est un mythe."

Entre El Angel y La Bestia
(Spanish Edition)
by Lucian Boia
Paperback, 256 Pages, Published 1997 by Andres Bello
ISBN-13: 978-84-89691-08-7, ISBN: 84-89691-08-8

"Dargaud, París, 1979, Copyright: textos, J. Lob; dibujos, R. Gigi.) Fuentes: Los documentos de ilustraciones fuera de texto provienen de la biblioteca de la Academia de Bucaresty de la colección personal del autor, con excepción de Visitantes ..."

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Lucian Boia

Ellen Nore

Roger Leverdier

Keith Hitchins

Georg Iggers

Laure Hinckel

Laurent Rossin

Larisa Schippel

Julia Richter

Thede Kahl

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