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Books by Kelley Reboy

Breakfast in Singapore
How to Write a Novel in a Week
by Kelley Reboy, Jennifer Irwin, Nancy Sheldon, Arden Hamer, Heather Norr, Helene Smith, Charlotte Gizzi, Teresa Kikel, Vance Colten, Ken Loomis, Joleen Kish, Amanda Lake
Paperback, 30 Pages, Published 2000 by Macdonald & Sward Publishing Company
ISBN-13: 978-0-945437-43-7, ISBN: 0-945437-43-9

"Main characters, Sylvia and Mark, both adverse to opposite sex due to personal circumstances in their lives, meet by chance on a plane going to Singapore. Neither want to admit why they are traveling to the world's largest port. Unbeknown to each other, they both won a contest to have breakfast with an orangutan in the tropical gardens of Singapore, the only place where such an honor is provided. Neither person wants to admit t ..."

All Authors

Vance Colten

Teresa Kikel

Charlotte Gizzi

Amanda Lake

Joleen Kish

Ken Loomis

Nancy Sheldon

Jennifer Irwin

Kelley Reboy

Helene Smith