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Light And Hearty(1st Edition)
From Pad Thai to Cassoulet, Healthy Home-Style Recipes from Around the World
by Jeanne Jones, Jim Coit
Paperback, 148 Pages, Published 1994 by Three Rivers Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-517-88091-3, ISBN: 0-517-88091-1

"Beautiful full-color photographs and quick and easy recipes bring to life the tasty international specialties--all of them low in fat and cholesterol and high in fiber. This is the ideal source book for cooks who want to eat smart but also want to eat well. Full-color photographs."

Pasta, Rice, and Beans - more than 200 healthy hearty economical recipes
by Jeanne Jones, Jim Coit
Hardcover, 248 Pages, Published 1994 by Hungry Minds Inc,U.S.
ISBN-13: 978-0-02-559773-0, ISBN: 0-02-559773-6

Die grosse Enzyklopädie der Teddybären
Porträts von über 500 Teddybären von 1902 bis heute ; das umfassende Nachschlagewerk für alle Liebhaber und Sammler / Pauline Cockrill. Fotos von Peter Anderson und Jim Coit. [Übers.: Ursula Bischoff. Red.: Marion Reichhelm und Anne Heidenreich] Portraits von über 500 Teddybären von 1902 bis heute. Das umfassende Nachschlagewerk für alle Liebhaber und Sammler
by Pauline Cockrill, Peter Anderson, Jim Coit
Hardcover, 240 Pages, Published 1994 by Mosaik
ISBN-13: 978-3-576-10336-8, ISBN: 3-576-10336-8

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Jim Coit

Jeanne Jones

Peter Anderson

Pauline Cockrill

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