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Lexio Divina
(Korean Edition)
by Evan B. Howard, Jim Wilhoit, James Wilorth
Paperback, 247 Pages, Published 2016 by Abashowon
ISBN-13: 979-11-85066-47-9, ISBN: 

"Lexio Divinab We invite you to the practice of Holy Reading developed by our ancestors of faith! b Many people read the Bible habitually or compulsively, but meet God in them can not do it. The Bible is a love letter from God to every one of us. We can only find life, truth, change, and joy through the Bible. There is only one book, the Bible, that leads to a rich life in the smartphone era. Have you ever felt the joy of reading the ..."

Le immagini bibliche. Simboli, figure retoriche e temi letterari della Bibbia
by Leland Ryken, Tremper Iii Longman, James C. Wilhoit, M. Zappella, Jim Wilhoit
Hardcover, 1,638 Pages, Published 2006 by San Paolo Edizioni
ISBN-13: 978-88-215-5508-4, ISBN: 88-215-5508-9

"833 voci sull'immaginario biblico, i simboli e le metafore, gli archetipi presenti nel testo sacro, lemmi sui personaggi-tipo, scene-tipo, motivi narrativi, accorgimenti retorici, generi letterari dei singoli libri della Bibbia. Un testo di riferimento che copre vaste aree tematiche (come animali o immagini legali), mentre altri si focalizzano su aspetti ristretti (come strumenti musicali a corda o granello di senapa). Molte voci sono i ..."

Developmental Christian Perspective
(Korean Edition)
by Jim Wilhoit
Paperback, 375 Pages, Published 2005 by Qumran Publishing Co.
ISBN-13: 978-89-5922-062-5, ISBN: 89-5922-062-0

"Developmental Christian PerspectiveChristian education became one of the academic research fields and gradually recognized developmentalism as its theoretical basis. The higher the intellectual quality of Christian education research, the greater the importance of the theoretical basis of the study. If you know developmentalism, know it properly, and apply it to the right place, it says that teaching and ministry will be more energized. ..."

Słownik symboliki biblijnej
obrazy, symbole, motywy, metafory, figury stylistyczne i gatunki literackie w Piśmie Świętym
by Tremper Longman, Leland Ryken, James C. Wilhoit, Jim Wilhoit
Hardcover, 1,222 Pages, Published 2003 by Vocatio
ISBN-13: 978-83-7146-188-0, ISBN: 83-7146-188-7

"Na slownik sklada sie prawie 850 hasel omawiajacych najrozmaitsze aspekty wystepujacych w Pismie Swietym symboli, motywów, metafor, figur stylistycznych i gatunków literackich."

by Jim Wilhoit
159 Pages, Published 1999
ISBN-13: 978-962-202-977-4, ISBN: 962-202-977-9

Spiritual Formation As If the Church Mattered
Growing in Christ Through Community
ISBN-13: 978-1-5409-6538-7, ISBN: 1-5409-6538-4

All Authors

Jim Wilhoit

James Wilhoit

Kenneth Gangel

Dr Leland Ryken

Wilhoit Gangel

John Dettoni

Evan Howard

Dr James Wilhoit

Leland Ryken

Tremper Longman Iii

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