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Nelson's Personal Handbook on Prayer
(Nelson's Personal Handbook Series)
by Dr. James Wilhoit, Jim Wilhoit, James C. Wilhoit
Hardcover, 412 Pages, Published 2002 by Thomas Nelson
ISBN-13: 978-0-7852-4880-4, ISBN: 0-7852-4880-3

"Everything you need to know about prayer. Designed to be thorough and cover a wide-range of topics for personal growth. This practical guide will walk the reader through all aspects of prayer.Feature Sections Include:How to Pray (techniques and samples)Praying Through the ScripturesReal Prayers (topically arranged)Key Prayers of the BibleKey Men and Women of Prayer (past and present)List of Contributors Includes:Stromie OmartianDavid ..."

Ryken's Bible Handbook
by Dr Leland Ryken, Philip Graham Ryken, Dr James Wilhoit, Jim Wilhoit
Hardcover, 672 Pages, Published 2005 by Tyndale House Publishers, Inc.
ISBN-13: 978-0-8423-8401-8, ISBN: 0-8423-8401-4

"Henrietta Mears With his ability to exercise proven authority apparently impaired, David lives to see his own sins of murder and adultery replicated in the lives of his sons. V. Philips Long In the scenic, succinct, and subtle narratives that constitute the books of Samuel, the danger of“overreading,” of becoming overly subtle in interpretation, is ever-present, but so is the danger of “underreading.” V. Philips Long Doctrinally, t ..."

A personal handbook on prayer
by Jim Wilhoit
327 Pages, Published 2003
ISBN-13: 978-1-86823-652-7, ISBN: 1-86823-652-8

Developmental Christian Perspective
(Korean Edition)
by Jim Wilhoit
Paperback, 375 Pages, Published 2005 by Qumran Publishing Co.
ISBN-13: 978-89-5922-062-5, ISBN: 89-5922-062-0

Le immagini bibliche. Simboli, figure retoriche e temi letterari della Bibbia
by Leland Ryken, Tremper Iii Longman, James C. Wilhoit, M. Zappella, Jim Wilhoit
Hardcover, 1,638 Pages, Published 2006 by San Paolo Edizioni
ISBN-13: 978-88-215-5508-4, ISBN: 88-215-5508-9

Słownik symboliki biblijnej
obrazy, symbole, motywy, metafory, figury stylistyczne i gatunki literackie w Piśmie Świętym
by Tremper Longman, Leland Ryken, James C. Wilhoit, Jim Wilhoit
Hardcover, 1,222 Pages, Published 2003 by Vocatio
ISBN-13: 978-83-7146-188-0, ISBN: 83-7146-188-7

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Jim Wilhoit

Dr James Wilhoit

James Wilhoit

Philip Graham Ryken

Dr Leland Ryken

Leland Ryken

Tremper Iii Longman


Tremper Longman

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