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Books by Hailey Anne Nelson

Big Fish
(Special Edition, with Collectible Book)
by Ewan Mcgregor, Albert Finney, Jessica Lange, Billy Crudup, Richard D. Zanuck, Dan Jinks, Bruce Cohen, Columbia Pictures, Helena Bonham Carter, Arne Schmidt, Katterli Frauenfelder, Daniel Wallace, John August, Danny Devito, Hailey Anne Nelson, Alison Lohman, directed by Tim Burton
Dvd, Published 2005 by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Multiple Formats, Ac-3, Closed-Captioned, Color, Dolby, Dubbed, Ntsc, Special Edition, Subtitled, Widescreen
ISBN-13: 978-1-4049-8468-4, ISBN: 1-4049-8468-2

"Véritable fable pour adulte, Big Fish : la légende du gros poisson, adapté d’un roman de Daniel Wallace, fait encore une fois la preuve que son auteur, Tim Burton (The Nightmare before Christmas, Ed Wood), est un des rares cinéastes à avoir su préserver l’existence d’un univers fantastique dans le paysage cinématographique américain. Appelé au chevet d’Ed, son père malade, le jeune William Bloom est bien décidé à faire la part du vrai ..."

Big Fish
by Jessica Lange, Billy Crudup, Richard D. Zanuck, Dan Jinks, Bruce Cohen, Albert Finney, Ewan Mcgregor, Columbia Pictures, Hailey Anne Nelson, Helena Bonham Carter, Arne Schmidt, Katterli Frauenfelder, Daniel Wallace, John August, Danny Devito, Alison Lohman, Tim Burton, directed by Tim Burton
Dvd, Published 2004 by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment
Anamorphic, Closed-Captioned, Color, Dolby, Dts Surround Sound, Dubbed, Dvd-Video, Subtitled, Widescreen, Ntsc, Import
ISBN-13: 978-1-4049-3038-4, ISBN: 1-4049-3038-8

"Big Fish tells the improbable story of Edward Bloom, a larger-than-life figure who, like Baron Munchhausen, cannot help bragging about his fabled exploits. As a young man, his wanderlust leads him from his home in rural Alabama into encounters with an unhappy giant, a witch with a glass eye that can foretell the future, a mysterious town called Spectre from which no one ever leaves, and, of course, a big fish that refuses to be caught. ..."

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Arne Schmidt

Katterli Frauenfelder

Hailey Anne Nelson

Helena Bonham Carter

Danny Devito

Alison Lohman

Daniel Wallace

John August

Richard Zanuck

Dan Jinks

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