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Overcoming Dyslexia(1st Edition)
A New and Complete Science-Based Program for Reading Problems at Any Level
by Sally Shaywitz M.D.
Paperback, 414 Pages, Published 2005 by Vintage
ISBN-13: 978-0-679-78159-2, ISBN: 0-679-78159-5

"FOR EVERYONE WHO STRUGGLES TO READ! Clear, practical, science-based information and advice for successful results One in five American children has trouble reading. But they are not stupid or lazy. In Overcoming Dyslexia, Dr. Sally Shaywitz, codirector of the Yale Center for the Study of Learning and Attention and a leader in the new research into how the brain works, offers the latest information about reading problems and proven, pra ..."

Achieving XXcellence in Science
Role of Professional Societies in Advancing Women in Science: Proceedings of a Workshop, AXXS 2002
by National Research Council, M.D. Sally Shaywitz, Jong-On Hahm, Global Affairs
Paperback, 110 Pages, Published 2004 by National Academies Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-309-09174-9, ISBN: 0-309-09174-8

"This report is the proceedings of a July 2002 workshop of the Committee on AXXS 2002: A Workshop for Clinical Societies to Enhance Women's Contributions to Science and their Profession. The workshop gathered representatives of clinical societies and identified ways to enhance the participation of women scientists in the clinical research workforce. This workshop was a follow-up to the AXXS 1999 conference sponsored by the Office of Rese ..."

On Their Own
Creating an Independent Future for Your Adult Child With Learning Disabilities and ADHD: A Family Guide
by Anne Ford, Sally Shaywitz M.D., John-Richard Thompson
Paperback, 320 Pages, Published 2007 by William Morrow Paperbacks
ISBN-13: 978-1-55704-725-0, ISBN: 1-55704-725-1

"An indispensable guide to the special challenges faced by parents of learning-disabled children as they enter adulthood, by the author of Laughing Allegra, a leading activist and parent of an adult child with LD.In 2003 Anne Ford (great-granddaughter of Henry Ford) published Laughing Allegra, about the struggles of raising her learning-disabled daughter, and received a flood of letters from parents of children with LD, ADD, and ADHD, ma ..."

Profiles of Success
by Sally E. Shaywitz M.D., Kathryn Crockett
Paperback, Published 2016 by Seedlings Publishing
ISBN-13: 978-0-9851855-1-0, ISBN: 0-9851855-1-1

"Many of today's foremost innovators from a variety of fields-business, medicine, law, entertainment, design, government and literature-are dyslexic. Most rose to their positions through talent, grit, and a careful navigation of barriers. Meet some of these leaders in the pages of this book created by the Yale Center for Dyslexia & Creativity, Co-directed by physician-scientists and preeminent dyslexia researchers and advocates Sally E. ..."

Overcoming Dyslexia
by M. D. Sally Shaywitz
Paperback, Published 2003 by Knopf
ISBN-13: 978-0-9657363-4-3, ISBN: 0-9657363-4-2

Overcoming Dyslexia
Second Edition, Completely Revised and Updated (Paperback)
by M. D. Sally E. Shaywitz, Jonathan Shaywitz
Paperback, 560 Pages, Published 2020 by Hodder & Stoughton General Division, United Kingdom
ISBN-13: 978-1-5293-0691-0, ISBN: 1-5293-0691-4

"This new edition offers:-A full explanation of dyslexia is, and why some intelligent, gifted people read slowly and painfully-New information on how to identify dyslexia in all age ranges -The very latest insights into diagnosing dyslexia; ..."

The Pretenders
Gifted People Who Have Difficulty Learning
by Barbara P. Guyer, Sally E. Shaywitz
Paperback, 177 Pages, Published 1997 by High Tide Press
ISBN-13: 978-1-892696-06-9, ISBN: 1-892696-06-1

"What would you do if, no matter how hard you tried, you could not learn to read? Would you continue to try or would you resign yourself to pretending, for the benefit of others, that you could read? The Pretenders tells the stories of eight people who never stopped trying. From humiliation in school and the anxiety of coping with everyday life unable to read street signs and menus, to shopping, driving, and working, these people lived i ..."

Attention Deficit Disorder Comes of Age
Toward the Twenty-First Century
by Sally E. Shaywitz, Bennett A. Shaywitz
Paperback, 368 Pages, Published 1992 by Pro Ed
ISBN-13: 978-0-89079-558-3, ISBN: 0-89079-558-4

"Book by Shaywitz, Sally E."

Vencer a Dislexia - Como dar resposta às perturbações da leitura em qualquer fase da vida
by Sally Shaywitz, Porto Editora
Paperback, 399 Pages, Published 2008 by Porto
ISBN-13: 978-972-0-35202-6, ISBN: 972-0-35202-7

"Vencer a Dislexia é, até à data, o livro mais abrangente, actualizado e prático para nos ajudar a compreender, a identificar e a vencer os problemas centrados na leitura que assolam as crianças da actualidade. Este livro, para uma em cada cinco crianças que tem dislexia e para os milhões de outras que lutam para lerem ao nível do ano de escolaridade em que se encontram e para os pais, professores e tutores , pode fazer a diferença. A D ..."

Entendendo A Dislexia Um Novo E Completo Programa Para Todos Os Níveis De Problemas De Leitura(1st Edition)
(Em Portuguese do Brasil)
by Sally Shaywitz
Paperback, 288 Pages, Published 2005 by Artmed
ISBN-13: 978-85-363-0594-3, ISBN: 85-363-0594-0

"De autoria de uma das principais especialistas mundiais em leitura e dislexia este é o livro mais abrangente atualizado e prático que já se publicou para auxiliar a compreender identificar e suplantar os problemas de leitura tão freqüentes hoje em dia. Com base em descobertas científicas recentes a Dra. Shaywitz desmistifica a matéria das dificuldades de leitura e explica como se pode ajudar uma criança a tornar-se um bom leitor.[...]"

Hulpgids dyslexie(1st Edition)
een nieuw en volledig, op wetenschappelijk onderzoek gebaseerd programma om leesproblemen te overwinnen
by Sally Shaywitz
Paperback, 348 Pages, Published 2005 by Nieuwezijds B.V.
ISBN-13: 978-90-5712-194-4, ISBN: 90-5712-194-8

All Authors

Sally Shaywitz

National Research Council

Jong-On Hahm

Global Affairs

Anne Ford

John-Richard Thompson

Kathryn Crockett

Jonathan Shaywitz

Barbara Guyer

Bennett Shaywitz

All Years










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