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Edly Paints the Ivories Blue(2nd Edition)
A Blues-Based, Improvisation-Friendly Alternative Piano Method & Supplement
by Edward B. Roseman, Peter Reynolds
Paperback, 47 Pages, Published 1999 by Musical Edventures
ISBN-13: 978-0-9661616-8-7, ISBN: 0-9661616-8-8

"Edly Paints the Ivories Blue is a bright blue alternative and supplement to traditional black & white major-scale-based piano instruction books. It's as hip and fun as it is educational. Bypassing twinkling stars and little lambs, it teaches piano through blues songs written specifically for this book. 48 pages softcover, black & white, $12 (one dollar for every bar of a twelve-bar blues). The book teaches piano technique, reading skill ..."

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Peter Reynolds

Edward Roseman