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John Muir
Wilderness Prophet (First Books--American Conservationists)
by Peter Anderson
Library, 64 Pages, Published 1995 by Franklin Watts
ISBN-13: 978-0-531-20204-3, ISBN: 0-531-20204-6

"A biography of the noted nineteenth-century conservationist who founded the Sierra Club and was one of the first people to call attention to the need for environmental protection in the United States"

John James Audubon
Wildlife (First Books--American Conservationists)
by Peter Anderson
Library, 64 Pages, Published 1995 by Franklin Watts
ISBN-13: 978-0-531-20202-9, ISBN: 0-531-20202-X

"A biography of the nineteenth-century ornithologist, naturalist, and artist famous for his accurate paintings of birds and animals."