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The Teddy Bear Encyclopedia(2nd Edition)
by Pauline Cockrill, Gillian Emerson-Roberts
Paperback, 510 Pages, Published 2001 by Dorling Kindersley Publishers Ltd
ISBN-13: 978-0-7513-3391-6, ISBN: 0-7513-3391-3

"After 200 years, the teddy bear is still very much in vogue. This guide looks at why bears have such long-lasting appeals to collectors all over the world. Details are are provided of over 500 teddy bears from around the world, including the rare, the classic and the modern."

The Teddy Bear Encyclopedia(Updated)
by Pauline Cockrill, Paul Volpp, Rosemary Volpp, Peter Anderson, Jim Coit, Gillian Emerson-Roberts
Paperback, 510 Pages, Published 2001 by Dk Publishing
ISBN-13: 978-0-7894-8000-2, ISBN: 0-7894-8000-X

"After 100 years, the teddy bear is still very much in vogue. This best-selling encyclopedia is a fascinating way to find out why bears have such long-lasting appeal with collectors all over the world. All the Bear Necessities: Read about the all-time, best-loved bears, from the original "teddy" to Winnie-the-Pooh, with new features on the latest collectibles such as Beanie Bear, and the Millennium Bears. An invaluable resource for colle ..."

100 Jahre Teddybären
by Pauline Cockrill
Paperback, 512 Pages, Published 2001 by Coventgarden Verlag
ISBN-13: 978-3-8310-9007-5, ISBN: 3-8310-9007-6

"Den 100.Geburtstag des Teddys feiern wir mit einem kleinen und kompaktenBuch über das kultigste Kuscheltier aller Zeiten Teddybären sind nichtnur heißgeliebte Stofftiere, sondern auch begehrte Sammlerobjekte, dieinzwischen bei Christie's und Sotheby's Höchstpreise erzielen. Ob mit Brummstimmeoder Knopf im Ohr, mit Filzpfoten oder Schnauze aus Plüsch, vom nostalgischenbis zum Millennium-Teddy Hier sind sie alle versammelt. Fotos und Deta ..."

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Pauline Cockrill

Gillian Emerson-Roberts

Jim Coit

Rosemary Volpp

Paul Volpp

Peter Anderson

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2nd Edition


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