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People and Place(1st Edition)
A Covenant Ecclesiology
by Michael Scott Horton
Paperback, 336 Pages, Published 2008 by Westminster John Knox Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-664-23071-5, ISBN: 0-664-23071-7

"In this final volume of a four-volume series, Michael Horton explores the origin, mission, and destiny of the church through the lens of covenantal theology. Arguing that the history of Israel and the covenant of grace provide the proper context for New Testament ecclesiology, Horton then shows how the church is constituted through the ascension of Christ, the Pentecost, and the Parousia and how it continues to live by the Word and sacr ..."

Covenant and Salvation(1st Edition)
Union with Christ
by Michael Scott Horton
Paperback, 280 Pages, Published 2007 by Westminster John Knox Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-664-23163-7, ISBN: 0-664-23163-2

"Dunn appeals to what he regards as the “consensus” that not only Paul but also the Gospels (especially Matthew and John) misrepresent to some extent the true convictions of the Pharisees.1 In this section I suggest that once again false choices are resolved when we substitute a two-covenant paradigm for the single “pattern of religion” known as covenantal nomism. In 1914 C. G. Montefiore distinguished rabbinic, apocalyptic, and Hel ..."

Covenant and Eschatology(1st Edition)
The Divine Drama
by Michael Scott Horton, Micheal S. Horton
Paperback, 360 Pages, Published 2002 by Westminster John Knox Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-664-22501-8, ISBN: 0-664-22501-2

"In this innovative work in theological method and hermeneutics, Michael S. Horton uses the motif of the covenant as a way of binding together God's "word" and God's "act." Seeking an integration of theological method with the content of Christian theology, Horton emphasizes God's covenant as God's way of working for redemption in the world. Horton maintains a substantial dialogue with important philosophical figures and Christian theolo ..."

We Believe(1st Edition)
Recovering the Essentials of the Apostles' Creed
by Michael Scott Horton
Hardcover, 272 Pages, Published 1998 by Thomas Nelson
ISBN-13: 978-0-8499-1408-9, ISBN: 0-8499-1408-6

"pp. 259, "Michael Horton introduces a new generation of Christians to the Apostle's Creed, proving that its message is as timeless as it is historical. In doing so, he demonstrates how the creed answers essential questions of faith in an age when answers are hard to find.""

Law of Perfect Freedom(1st Edition)
Relating to God and Others Through the Ten Commandments
by Michael Scott Horton
Hardcover, 288 Pages, Published 1993 by Moody Pub
ISBN-13: 978-0-8024-6374-6, ISBN: 0-8024-6374-6

"In The Law of Perfect Freedom, Michael S. Horton shows how the Ten Commandments must become a dynamic force for change in the life of the individual Christian and the church as a whole."

Made in America(1st Edition)
The Shaping of Modern American Evangelicalism
by Michael Scott Horton
Hardcover, 198 Pages, Published 1991 by Baker Pub Group
ISBN-13: 978-0-8010-4354-3, ISBN: 0-8010-4354-9

"An incisive evaluation of American Christianity by the author of Putting the Amazing Back Into Grace. Cultural accommodation is the primary charge leveled by this historical and cultural examination of evangelicalism. Horton contends that American Christianity, once distinguished by passionate, warm-hearted orthodoxy, has largely become a popular religion of shallow assertions and legalism."

Power Religion(1st Edition)
The Selling Out of the Evangelical Church?
by Mcgrath Et Al., Charles W. Colson, J. I. Packer, R. C. Sproul, Michael Scott Horton
Hardcover, 353 Pages, Published 1992 by Moody Pr
ISBN-13: 978-0-8024-6774-4, ISBN: 0-8024-6774-1

"Ruled by sociology (the church growth movement), psychology (the self-esteem movement), and politics (both the Christian left and right), some respected Christian leaders consider the evangelical church today to have gone too far in adopting the world's tactics in the name of progress and betterment for the church."

Calvin on the Christian Life(1st Edition)
Glorifying and Enjoying God Forever (Theologians on the Christian Life)
by Michael Scott Horton, Justin Taylor, Stephen J. Nichols
Paperback, 272 Pages, Published 2014 by Crossway
ISBN-13: 978-1-4335-3956-5, ISBN: 1-4335-3956-X

"John Calvin--a legendary figure within Christian history who had much to say about the Christian life. Offering modern readers a clear look into the practical nature of Calvin's theology, Michael Horton dives into the reformer's prolific writings, drawing not only on his Institutes and biblical commentaries, but also from his lesser-known tracts, treatises, and letters. Writing so as to allow Calvin to speak for himself as much as possi ..."

Lord and Servant(1st Edition)
A Covenant Christology
by Michael Scott Horton
Paperback, 296 Pages, Published 2005 by Westminster John Knox Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-664-22863-7, ISBN: 0-664-22863-1

"Building on Covenant and Eschatology: The Divine Drama, this volume is part two of a three-part project surveying essential topics of Christian theology through the lens of covenant. In Lord and Servant: A Covenant Christology, Michael Horton explores the topics that are generally grouped under the doctrines of God, humanity, and Christology. Rather than attempt a general systematic theology, Horton revisits these topics at the places w ..."

Where in the World Is the Church?(1st Edition)
A Christian View of Culture and Your Role in It
by Michael Scott Horton
Paperback, 216 Pages, Published 2002 by P & R Publishing
ISBN-13: 978-0-87552-565-5, ISBN: 0-87552-565-2

"Have Christians misunderstood what it means to be in the world but not of it? Has the church, in a sense, neglected the world to the detriment of all? Michael S. Horton has written Where in the World is the Church? for those Christians who struggle with a subculture that stifles rather than encourages their divinely given impulses and ambitions. He does so "with the hope that theologians will learn more about other disciplines and that ..."

Trust and Obey(1st Edition)
Obedience and the Christian (Reformation Theology Series)
by Robert Charles Sproul, Michael Scott Horton, John F. Macarthur, John Armstrong, Joel R. Beeke, Jonathan Gerstner, Ray Lanning, Don Kistler
Paperback, 206 Pages, Published 1997 by Soli Deo Gloria Pubns
ISBN-13: 978-1-57358-057-1, ISBN: 1-57358-057-0

"Several noted scholars and ministers revisit the issue of faith and works, insisting on the preeminence of faith, but calling for a life of obedience in response to love for Christ that is reflected in good works."

Beyond Culture Wars(1st Edition)
Is America a Mission Field or Battlefield?
by Michael Scott Horton
Hardcover, 288 Pages, Published 1994 by Moody Publishers
ISBN-13: 978-0-8024-0893-8, ISBN: 0-8024-0893-1

"Horton take aim at shallow fads and misspent political energy. He calls Christians back to the biblical mission, insisting that modern Christians' should follow the example of those first Christians by arguing their case."

The Agony of Deceit/What Some TV Preachers Are Really Teaching(1st Edition)
by Michael Scott Horton
Paperback, 284 Pages, Published 1995 by Moody Pr
ISBN-13: 978-0-8024-8778-0, ISBN: 0-8024-8778-5

"This applies to Jesus (Matthew 7:28), the Pharisees (Matthew 16:2), the apostles (Acts 5:28),. 1. Charles Capps, Can Your Faith Fail? (Tulsa, Okla.: Harrison House), pp. 27-28. * King James Version. 2. Robert Schuller, Self-Esteem: The New ..."

A Confessing Theology for Postmodern Times(1st Edition)
by Michael Scott Horton
Hardcover, 256 Pages, Published 2000 by Crossway Books
ISBN-13: 978-1-58134-102-7, ISBN: 1-58134-102-4

Power Religion(1st Edition)
The Selling Out of the Evangelical Church?
by Charles W. Colson, J. I. Packer, R. C. Sproul, Alister E. Mcgrath, Michael Scott Horton
Paperback, 353 Pages, Published 1997 by Moody Pub
ISBN-13: 978-0-8024-6773-7, ISBN: 0-8024-6773-3

"While not dismissing the validity of sociology, psychology, and politics, the contributors suggest that the evangelical church has gone too far in adopting the world's tactics in the name of progress and betterment for the church."

Church Membership(1st Edition)
How the World Knows Who Represents Jesus (9Marks: Building Healthy Churches)
by Jonathan Leeman, Michael S. Horton
Hardcover, 144 Pages, Published 2012 by Crossway
ISBN-13: 978-1-4335-3237-5, ISBN: 1-4335-3237-9

As Doutrinas Da Maravilhosa Graça(1st Edition)
by Michael Scott Horton
Paperback, 304 Pages, Published 2003 by Cultura Crista
ISBN-13: 978-85-86886-62-1, ISBN: 85-86886-62-9

"O cristianismo popular praticado por muitos evangélicos é fortemente influenciado pela cultura pós-moderna e traz as marcas da oposição a Deus em favor da pretensa valorização do ser humano, numa forma de idolatria que desemboca no paganismo. Nesta época de opções e escolhas pessoais elevadas ao status de tabu, é tão difícil quanto necessário reagir com a verdade bíblica sobre a graça de Deus. "A sabedoria verdadeira e enterna é encontr ..."

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Don Kistler

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