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Abandoned Arkansas
An Echo From The Past
by Michael Schwarz, Eddy Sisson, Ginger Beck, James Kirkendall
Paperback, 112 Pages, Published 2019 by America Through Time
ISBN-13: 978-1-63499-097-4, ISBN: 1-63499-097-8

"If you have ever driven by a building and wondered what has happened within its walls, you know what drives Abandoned Arkansas. Every day neglected structures are on the verge of being demolished or in desperate need of renovation. Join Michael Schwarz, Eddy Sisson, Ginger Beck, and James Kirkendall through the forgotten history of the Natural State, from the Majestic Hotel in Hot Springs to Dogpatch USA, an abandoned theme park once lo ..."

Walter Benjamin's Archive
Images, Texts, Signs
by Walter Benjamin, Ursula Marx, Gudrun Schwarz, Michael Schwarz, Erdmut Wizisla, Esther Leslie
Paperback, 320 Pages, Published 2015 by Verso
ISBN-13: 978-1-78478-203-0, ISBN: 1-78478-203-3

"An absorbing selection of Walter Benjamin s personal manuscripts, images, and documents The work of the great literary and cultural critic Walter Benjamin is an audacious plotting of history, art, and thought; a reservoir of texts, commentaries, scraps, and fragments of everyday life, art, and dreams. Throughout his life, Benjamin gathered together all kinds of artifacts, assortments of images, texts, and signs, themselves representing ..."

Children of the Red Sun
by Andrew Michael Schwarz
Paperback, 307 Pages, Published 2019 by Independently Published
ISBN-13: 978-1-09-532054-9, ISBN: 1-09-532054-8

"In the Rigel Kent solar system, on the world of Kam-no-Kai, a scientist discovers a First Race data disk, which may hold the identity of who and what the First Race was… Meanwhile, Jace Starlon is hired by Mika Misu, an agent of the Silurian Magístrata, to investigate a First Race ruins. Jace initially refuses the offer, but reluctantly accepts when Mika pulls legal stings to force Jace’s cooperation. Their destination lies in the Glass ..."

Silverlight 2 in Action(1st Edition)
by Chad A. Campbell, John Stockton, Michael Schwarz
Paperback, 425 Pages, Published 2008 by Manning Publications
ISBN-13: 978-1-933988-42-9, ISBN: 1-933988-42-8

"Microsoft describes Silverlight as a "cross-browser, cross-platform plug-in for delivering the next generation of .NET based media experiences and rich interactive applications for the Web." That's a really boring description for a really exciting new technology. Anyone who has looked at the demos and gotten a taste of what Silverlight can do knows that Silverlight represents an entirely new level of rich web interface technology for Mi ..."

Java Application Development on Linux(1st Edition)
by Carl Albing, Michael Schwarz, David Schneider
Paperback, 600 Pages, Published 2004 by Prentice Hall
ISBN-13: 978-0-13-143697-8, ISBN: 0-13-143697-X

"Linux is the fastest-growing Java development platform because it saves money and then saves time by serving as a platform for both development and deployment. But developers face significant platform-specific challenges when managing and deploying Java applications in a controlled production environment. Written for Java and Linux developers alike, Java' Application Development on Linux is the hands-on guide to the full Java applicatio ..."

Multitool Linux(1st Edition)
Practical Uses for Open Source Software
by Michael Schwarz, Peter Curtis, Jeremy D. Anderson, Steven Murphy, Jose Nazario
Paperback, 576 Pages, Published 2002 by Addison Wesley
ISBN-13: 978-0-201-73420-1, ISBN: 0-201-73420-6

"This unique, practical resource delivers specific Linux-based open source solutions to dozens of today's most common computing and business challenges. Each modular chapter covers all you need to know to solve a specific set of problems -- with extensive examples, and detailed guidance on acquiring and running the Linux-based open source software you'll need. Multitool Linux begins by reviewing the skills and mindset you need to make th ..."

Apokalypse – Wettlauf mit der Zeit
by Ernst Michael Schwarz
Paperback, 140 Pages, Published 2018 by Independently Published
ISBN-13: 978-1-976989-67-4, ISBN: 1-976989-67-1

Fundamentals of WSEF System of Serrada Escrima Module 1
by Michael Schwarz
Paperback, 142 Pages, Published 2009 by Adminatdefensivecombatdotcom
ISBN-13: 978-0-557-09302-1, ISBN: 0-557-09302-3

"Michael Schwarz. Fundamental Empty Hand Counters Of The System Of Serrada Escrima Angles 1 Thru 3 ©Copyright 2008 - Michael Schwarz – All rights reserved ©Copyright 2008 - Michael Schwarz – All rights reserved ©Copyright."

Real-Time Shadows(1st Edition)
by Eisemann, Elmar, Schwarz, Michael, Assarsson, Ulf, Wimmer, Michael
Paperback, 398 Pages, Published 2020 by Crc Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-367-65926-4, ISBN: 0-367-65926-3

Network+ Certification Passport, Second Edition(2nd Edition)
by Brian Schwarz, Glen E. Clarke, Michael Meyers, Mike Meyers, Jane Holcombe
Paperback, 432 Pages, Published 2011 by Mcgraw-Hill Osborne Media
ISBN-13: 978-0-07-225348-1, ISBN: 0-07-225348-7

"Map out your success with help from this compact bundle of expertise. Series editor Mike Meyers, the industry expert on professional certification, brings you this concise, affordable, and portable study tool for the Network+ exam. With an intensive focus on only what you need to know to pass this exam plus practice exam software on CD, this Certification Passport is your ticket to success on exam day."

Head to Head Baseball
Sammy Sosa and Mark McGwire (Sports Illustrated for Kids)
by Michael Bradley, Alan Schwarz
Paperback, 63 Pages, Published 2000 by Sports Illustrated For Kids
ISBN-13: 978-1-886749-89-4, ISBN: 1-886749-89-2

"... including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from ... Goehner (Project Editor) and Margaret Sieck, Senior Editors; Sherie Holder, Associate Editor; Nina Gaskin, Designer; ..."

001(1st Edition)
Superstring Theory: Volume 1, Introduction (Cambridge Monographs on Mathematical Physics)
by Michael B. Green, Edward Witten, John H. Schwarz, Green/Schwarz/Witten
Paperback, 484 Pages, Published 1988 by Cambridge University Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-521-35752-4, ISBN: 0-521-35752-7

"In recent years, superstring theory has emerged as a promising approach to reconciling general relativity with quantum mechanics and unifying the fundamental interactions. Problems that have seemed insuperable in previous approaches take on a totally new character in the context of superstring theory, and some of them have been overcome. Interest in the subject has greatly increased following a succession of exciting recent developments ..."

Selected Political Writings
The Great Moving Right Show and Other Essays (Stuart Hall: Selected Writings)
by Stuart Hall, David Featherstone, Michael Rustin, Bill Schwarz, Sally Davison
Paperback, 376 Pages, Published 2017 by Duke University Press Books
ISBN-13: 978-0-8223-6906-6, ISBN: 0-8223-6906-0

Die Umsteigefibel - von Windows zum Mac
Sicher und erfolgreich wechseln mit OS X 10.10 Yosemite (Paperback)
by Daniel Mandl, Michael Schwarz
Paperback, 200 Pages, Published 2015 by Mandl & Schwarz Verlag
ISBN-13: 978-3-944519-58-6, ISBN: 3-944519-58-2

Innovatives Brand Management
Wie Sie Marken in digitalen Zeiten organisieren, führen und optimieren (German Edition)
by Michael Schwarz, Günther Misof
Paperback, 208 Pages, Published 2017 by Springer Gabler
ISBN-13: 978-3-658-17324-1, ISBN: 3-658-17324-6

"Wie Sie Marken in digitalen Zeiten organisieren, führen und optimierenBroschiertes BuchDieses Buch erklärt, wie Marken heute geführt werden müssen: innovativ, flexibel und mutig, aber auch strukturiert und effizient. Die Autoren zeigen, wie das konkret funktionieren kann, und beantworten die derzeit drängenden Fragen. Wie kann man seine Marke über alle neuen digitalen und analogen Kanäle und Touchpoints hinweg effektiv führen und organi ..."

Möglichkeiten zum Aufbau einer langfristigen Kundenbindung im Versicherungsgewerbe
Eine theoretische Analyse (German Edition)
by Michael Schwarz
Paperback, 62 Pages, Published 2011 by Bachelor + Master Publishing
ISBN-13: 978-3-86341-102-2, ISBN: 3-86341-102-1

"Vor dem Hintergrund weitgehend gesättigter Absatzmärkte stehen heute zahlreiche Versicherungsunternehmen einem zunehmenden Verdrängungswettbewerb, stagnierender Nachfrage, verändertem Konsumentenverhalten, kürzer werdenden Produktzyklen und, damit einhergehend, enger werdenden Wachstumsspielräumen gegenüber. Um den veränderten Anforderungen gerecht zu werden und den Unternehmenserfolg wieder zu steigern, besteht die Strategie vieler Unt ..."

Arbeitszeit, Altersstrukturen Und Corporate Social Responsibility
Eine repräsentative Betriebsbefragung (German Edition)
by Michael Schwarz, Hermann Gross, Hermann Gro\Xdf, Aiga Von Hippel, Manuela Pietra\Xdf, Bernhard Schmidt-Hertha, Hermann GroãŸ
Paperback, 188 Pages, Published 2009 by Vs Verlag Für Sozialwissenschaften
ISBN-13: 978-3-531-17047-3, ISBN: 3-531-17047-3

"Operating hours in Europe, Berichte des ISO 66, Köln, Institut zur Erforschung sozialer Chancen, 181-196 Arbeit. ... Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Betriebsbefragung zu Betriebs und Arbeitszeiten im verarbeitenden Gewerbe, hrsg. v. ... und Frank Stille (1994): Große Unterschiede in der Ermittlung von Betriebszeiten, in: WSI-Mitteilungen 47 (1994) 1, 43-50 Bauer, Frank, Hermann Groß, Eva Munz, und ..."

Der Rezessionsabsolvent
by Michael Schwarz
Paperback, 146 Pages, Published 2008 by Books On Demand
ISBN-13: 978-3-8370-7412-3, ISBN: 3-8370-7412-9

"Wenn der Arbeitsmarkt nicht will, hat er schon gehabt. Doch davon kann man sich nichts kaufen... Wir befinden uns im Jahre 2003 nach Christus. Alle Absolventen der Universität Karlsruhe finden einen Job... alle Absolventen? Nein! Bei einem der Diplomanden schlagen die Zeichen der Zeit voll zu: Der neue Markt ist in sich zusammengebrochen, der DAX hängt bei 3000 Punkten in den Seilen und das Kabinett Schröders tüftelt an der Agenda 201 ..."

Von Windows zum Mac -- die Umsteigefibel(4th Edition)
Sicher und erfolgreich auf Apple wechseln / mit Infos zu Boot Camp , Parallels Desktop , VMware Fusion & Co.
by Michael Schwarz, Daniel Mandl
Paperback, 144 Pages, Published 2008 by Edition Digital Lifestyle Mandl & Schwarz
ISBN-13: 978-3-939685-09-8, ISBN: 3-939685-09-7

Lebensqualität und das Dogma der Normalverteilung(1st Edition)
Prämissen für eine anwendungsorientierte bio-psycho-soziale Diagnostik der subjektiven Gesundheit
by Michael Schwarz
Paperback, 566 Pages, Published 2006 by Books On Demand
ISBN-13: 978-3-8334-6387-7, ISBN: 3-8334-6387-2

"Auf der Grundlage umfassender Daten (n 8000) und langjähriger Erfahrungen im Bereich der medizinischen Rehabilitation weist der Autor nach, dass die axiomatischen Prämissen, welche die Basis für die Evaluation subjektiver Gesundheitsfaktoren bilden, auf gravierenden Fehlannahmen beruhen. Durch ihre Implementierung in statistischen Programmpaketen und den wuchernden Empirismus der Lebensqualitätsforschung wird ihre Brisanz jedoch versch ..."

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Erdmut Wizisla

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James Kirkendall

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