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Medieval Suffolk(1st Edition)
An Economic and Social History, 1200-1500 (History of Suffolk)
by Mark Bailey
Hardcover, 358 Pages, Published 2007 by Boydell Press
ISBN-13: 978-1-84383-315-4, ISBN: 1-84383-315-8

"Suffolk was one of the most important regions of England in the middle ages. Even by 1200 it was wealthy, densely populated, highly commercialised and urbanised; and it survived the impact of three of the most tumultuous events of the last millennium, the Great Famine (1315-22), the Black Death (1349) and the Peasants' Revolt (1381), to become by 1500 one of the richest and most industrialised regions of England, based on cloth manufact ..."

Restoration Home(Illustrated)
by Mark Bailey, Sally Bailey, Debi Treloar
Hardcover, 159 Pages, Published 2007 by Ryland Peters & Small
ISBN-13: 978-1-84597-452-7, ISBN: 1-84597-452-2

"In this beautiful book, Mark and Sally Bailey uncover the potential of disregarded or abandoned household items, giving them a new lease on life. Advocating pared-down simplicity, they focus on the integrity of materials and their surface quality--chipped paint showing the layers beneath, rough unfinished textures-combined with clean lines, or old materials combined with modern ones. "Restoration Home" looks at the key components: Arch ..."

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Mark Bailey

Debi Treloar

Sally Bailey

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1st Edition
