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20th Century All-rounder(1st Edition)
reminiscences and reflections of Clive van Ryneveld
by Clive Van Ryneveld, John Woodcock
Paperback, 200 Pages, Published 2011 by Pretext
ISBN-13: 978-0-9870042-2-2, ISBN: 0-9870042-2-0

"When, in 1902, Cecil Rhodes, the African imperialist with an unstinting admiration for the Oxford ethos, set up a series of Oxford scholarships for colonial, American and German students, exactly the sort of person he must have had in mind was Clive van Ryneveld. Rhodes decreed that those students chosen should not be merely bookworms. Their fondness of and success in many outdoor sports such as cricket, football and the like should cou ..."

DK Eyewitness Travel Guide(1st Edition)
by Claire Folkard, Stephen Conlin, Gary Cross, Claire Littlejohn, Maltings Partnership, Robbie Polley, John Woodcock, Joe Cornish, Tim Daly, Magnus Rew, Antony Souter, Alan Williams, Dk Publishing, Dk Travel, Tim Perry
Paperback, 192 Pages, Published 2010 by Dorling Kindersley
ISBN-13: 978-1-4053-4693-1, ISBN: 1-4053-4693-0

""DK Eyewitness Dublin Travel Guide" will lead you straight to the best attractions this diverse city has on offer. Packed with photographs, illustrations and maps of Dublin the guide includes in-depth coverage of Dublin's best attractions from the historic Trinity College that houses the richly decorated Book of Kells to the James Joyce Cultural Centre and Old Jameson Distillery in the north of the city, and unearths all the best walks, ..."

Of Didcot and the Demon(1st Edition)
The Cricketing Times of Alan Gibson
by Anthony Gibson, Alan Gibson, John Woodcock
Hardcover, 320 Pages, Published 2009 by Fairfield Books
ISBN-13: 978-0-9560702-5-8, ISBN: 0-9560702-5-6

"In 1967, Alan Gibson began reporting cricket regularly for The Times, establishing a style all of his own. 'Of Didcot and the Demon' is a collection of his writings."

Dinosaurier(1st Edition)
pysselbok med klistermärken
by Dr. David Norman, Phillip Clarke, Bob Hersey, Ian Jackson, Todd Marshall, Luis Rey, Franco Tempesta, John Woodcock, David Wright, Reuben Barrance
Hardcover, 23 Pages, Published 2011 by Tukan Fã¶Rlag
ISBN-13: 978-91-7401-261-3, ISBN: 91-7401-261-4

"Denna faktaspäckade pysselbok beskriver över 80 olika dinosauriearter. Till varje art finns ett stort fint klistermärke. Lär dig vilka dinosauriearter som var växtätare, vilka som sprang fortast, vilka som var de stora jägarna, vilka som hade horn, vilka som kunde flyga och andra spännande fakta om dessa fascinerande djur. Över 80 stora klistermärken !Nu med nytt omslag!Mått: 215x275"

Förökning och beskärning(1st Edition)
by Steve Bradley, Miranda Smith, John Woodcock, Ann Savage, Paul Forrester, Tim Himsel, Gudrun Samuelsson, Bo Samuelsson
Hardcover, 298 Pages, Published 2010 by Norstedts
ISBN-13: 978-91-1-302411-0, ISBN: 91-1-302411-6

"Allt du behöver veta om förökning och beskärning, i form av praktiska steg för steg-beskrivningar, tips och checklistor - samlat i en stor, prisvärd volym. Trädgårdsförfattaren och journalisten Kerstin Engstrand har stått för urvalet och skräddarsytt boken efter svenska behov. Upptäck de enkla sätten att föröka trädgårdens alla växter och lär dig samtidigt hur du bäst beskär de mest populära buskarna och träden. I denna lättbegripliga g ..."

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John Woodcock

Clive Van Ryneveld

Robbie Polley

Maltings Partnership

Tim Daly

Joe Cornish

Stephen Conlin

Claire Folkard

Claire Littlejohn

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