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Literacy(7th Edition)
Helping Students Construct Meaning
by James David Cooper, Nancy D. Kiger, Kathryn H. Au
Paperback, 564 Pages, Published 2008 by Houghton Mifflin
International Edition
ISBN-13: 978-0-618-90708-3, ISBN: 0-618-90708-4

"A leading seller for K-8 literacy programs, this extremely popular reading methods text has a simple goal: to provide aspiring teachers with the tools to help every student learn to read and write. Now titled Literacy: Helping Students Construct Meaning, this edition continues to provide preservice and in-service teachers with the information, techniques, and strategies to help all students become literate. Cooper and Kiger's text is di ..."

All Authors

Kathryn Au

Nancy Kiger

James David Cooper