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Ring of Fire(Updated)
(The Ring of Fire)
by Eric Flint, Mercedes Lackey, Dave Freer, S. L. Viehl, K. D. Wentworth, Davd Weber, David Weber, Andrew Dennis, Virginia Demarce, Loren K. Jones, Anette M. Pedersen, Jonathan Cresswell, Scott Washburn, Deann Allen, Mike Turner, Greg Donahue, Walt Boyes
Paperback, 722 Pages, Published 2005 by Baen
ISBN-13: 978-1-4165-0908-0, ISBN: 1-4165-0908-9

"The battle between democracy and tyranny is joined, and the American Revolution has begun over a century ahead of schedule. A cosmic accident has shifted a modern West Virginia town back through time and space to land it and its twentieth century technology in Germany in the middle of the Thirty Years War. History must take a new course as American freedom and democracy battle against the squabbling despots of seventeenth-century Europe ..."

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Jonathan Cresswell

Scott Washburn

Loren Jones

Anette Pedersen

Greg Donahue

Walt Boyes

Deann Allen

Mike Turner

Virginia Demarce

Dave Freer

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