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Foreign Legions(1st Edition)
by David Drake, Eric Flint, David Weber, S.M. Stirling, David /Editor Darke, Mark Van Name
Hardcover, 320 Pages, Published 2001 by Baen
ISBN-13: 978-0-671-31990-8, ISBN: 0-671-31990-6

" Lots of Soldiers Work for Civilians They don't Like, but these Romans had It Worse than Most -- Their Commanders were Blue-Skinned Aliens! The guilds of star-traveling merchants had strict rules to prevent their technology from falling into the hands of the natives of planets they were exploiting: military operations had to be carried out with weaponry no more complex than swords and bows. That was no handicap to merchant princes wi ..."

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Mark Van Name


David Drake

Eric Flint

David Weber