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Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers(2nd Edition)
by Thomas Hockey, Katherine Bracher, Virginia Trimble, Richard A. Jarrell, Joann Palmeri, Thomas R. Williams, Daniel Green, Jordan D. Marché, Marvin Bolt
Hardcover, 2,434 Pages, Published 2014 by Springer
ISBN-13: 978-1-4419-9916-0, ISBN: 1-4419-9916-7

"The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers is a unique and valuable resource for historians and astronomers alike. The first edition includes approximately 1550 biographical sketches on astronomers from antiquity to modern times. It is the collective work of about 400 authors edited by an editorial board of 9 historians and astronomers, and provides additional details on the nature of an entry and some summary statistics on the conten ..."

Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers(2nd Edition)
by Thomas Hockey, Virginia Trimble, Thomas R. Williams, Katherine Bracher, Richard Jarrell, Jordan D. Marché, Joann Palmeri, Daniel Green
Hardcover, 2,434 Pages, Published 2014 by Springer
ISBN-13: 978-1-4419-9918-4, ISBN: 1-4419-9918-3

"The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers is a unique and valuable resource for historians and astronomers alike. It includes approx. 1850 biographical sketches on astronomers from antiquity to modern times. It is the collective work of 430 authors edited by an editorial board of 8 historians and astronomers. This reference provides biographical information on astronomers and cosmologists by utilizing contemporary historical scholars ..."

The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers
by Virginia Trimble, Thomas R. Williams, Katherine Bracher, Richard Jarrell, Jordan D. Marché, F. Jamil Ragep, Thomas Hockey, Marvin Bolt, Joann Palmeri
Hardcover, 1,348 Pages, Published 2007 by Springer
ISBN-13: 978-0-387-30400-7, ISBN: 0-387-30400-2

"91, New Delhi, India, 13–16 November 1985, edited by G. Swarup, A. K. Bag, and K. S. Shukla, pp. ... Jābir ibn Aflah's Interesting Method for Finding the Eccentricities and Direction of the Apsidal Line ... Jacchia developed models that related upper atmospheric drag effects on satellites to solar activity and included diurnal and other periodic effects. ... the field of predicting orbital life for satellites, and proved spectacula ..."

The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers
by Virginia Trimble, Thomas R. Williams, Marvin Bolt, Katherine Bracher, Joann Palmeri, Thomas Hockey, Richard Jarrell, Jordan D. Marché, F. Jamil Ragep
Paperback, 1,348 Pages, Published 2009 by Springer
ISBN-13: 978-0-387-35133-9, ISBN: 0-387-35133-7

"The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers is a unique and valuable resource for historians and astronomers alike. The two volumes include approximately 1550 biographical sketches on astronomers from antiquity to modern times. It is the collective work of about 400 authors edited by an editorial board of 9 historians and astronomers, and provides additional details on the nature of an entry and some summary statistics on the content o ..."

Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers
by Virginia Trimble, Katherine Bracher, Thomas Hockey, Thomas R. Williams, Richard A. Jarrell, F. Jamil Ragep, Joann Palmeri, Jordan D. Marché, Marvin Bolt
Hardcover, 1,348 Pages, Published 2007 by Springer
ISBN-13: 978-0-387-33628-2, ISBN: 0-387-33628-1

"The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers is a unique and valuable resource for historians and astronomers alike. The two volumes include approximately 1550 biographical sketches on astronomers from antiquity to modern times. It is the collective work of about 400 authors edited by an editorial board of 9 historians and astronomers, and provides additional details on the nature of an entry and some summary statistics on the content o ..."

Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers
(Springer Reference)
by Virginia Trimble, Katherine Bracher, Thomas R. Williams, Marvin Bolt, Joann Palmeri, Thomas Hockey, Richard Jarrell, Jordan D. Marché, F. Jamil Ragep, Richard A. Jarrell, F. Jamil Rajep
Hardcover, 1,348 Pages, Published 2007 by Springer
ISBN-13: 978-0-387-31022-0, ISBN: 0-387-31022-3

"The Biographical Encyclopedia of Astronomers is a unique and valuable resource for historians and astronomers alike. The two volumes include approximately 1550 biographical sketches on astronomers from antiquity to modern times. It is the collective work of about 400 authors edited by an editorial board of 9 historians and astronomers, and provides additional details on the nature of an entry and some summary statistics on the content o ..."

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Thomas Hockey

Joann Palmeri

Jordan Marché

Richard Jarrell

Thomas Williams

Virginia Trimble

Katherine Bracher

Marvin Bolt

Jamil Ragep

Daniel Green

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