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Economics Now(1st Edition)
Analyzing Current Issues
by Angelo Bolotta, Rick Mahoney, Charles Hawkes, Dr John Piper, Elaine Aboud, Jenifer Ludbrook
Hardcover, 448 Pages, Published 2002 by Oxford University Press
ISBN-13: 978-0-19-541445-5, ISBN: 0-19-541445-4

"Trillium Listed!Economics Now introduces students to basic principles of micro and macro economics, with a focus on the history of economic thought and economics on the world stage. It examines closely economic decision-making, including the role of government in employment and unemployment issues as well as in theglobal economic issues.French version Economie Contemporaine available. Please contact Cheneliere Education (www.cheneliere. ..."

All Authors

Dr John Piper

Elaine Aboud

Jenifer Ludbrook

Angelo Bolotta

Rick Mahoney

Charles Hawkes