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Books by Gurucharan Signh Khalsa

Kundalini Yoga(1st Edition)
by Shakta Kaur Khalsa, Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, Gillian Emerson-Roberts, Gurucharan Signh Khalsa.
Paperback, 224 Pages, Published 2001 by Dk
ISBN-13: 978-0-7894-6770-6, ISBN: 0-7894-6770-4

"The first complete and fully illustrated guide to Kundalini available! Kundalini comes from the Indian word kundal, which means "lock of hair from the beloved." The uncoiling of this "hair" is the awakening of the kundalini, the creative potential that already exists in every human. The yoga in this book is a sampling of the vast wealth called Kundalini Yoga. Here you learn about the branch of yoga based on the teachings of Yogi Bhaj ..."

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Gillian Emerson-Roberts

Gurucharan Signh Khalsa

Shakta Kaur Khalsa

Gurucharan Singh Khalsa