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Books by Deniel Goulman

Destructive Emotions(Reprint)
A Scientific Dialogue with the Dalai Lama
by Daniel P. Goleman, Dalai Lama, Richard J. Davidson, Paul Ekman, Mark Greenberg, Owen Flanagan, Matthieu Ricard, Jeanne Tsai, Somchai Kusalacitto, Thupten Jinpa, Francisco J. Varela, B. Alan Wallace, Deniel Goulman
Paperback, 448 Pages, Published 2004 by Bantam
ISBN-13: 978-0-553-38105-4, ISBN: 0-553-38105-9

"*Why do seemingly rational, intelligent people commit acts of cruelty and violence? *What are the root causes of destructive behavior? *How can we control the emotions that drive these impulses? *Can we learn to live at peace with ourselves and others? Imagine sitting with the Dalai Lama in his private meeting room with a small group of world-class scientists and philosophers. The talk is lively and fascinating as these leading minds gr ..."

Emotsionalnyj intellekt. Pochemu on mozhet znachit bolshe, chem IQ
by Deniel Goulman
Paperback, Published 2018 by Mann, Ivanov I Ferber
ISBN-13: 978-5-00117-040-2, ISBN: 5-00117-040-0

Emotsionalnyj intellekt. Pochemu on mozhet znachit bolshe, chem IQ
by Deniel Goulman
Paperback, Published 2018 by Mann, Ivanov I Ferber
ISBN-13: 978-5-00117-958-0, ISBN: 5-00117-958-0

Emotsionalnyj intellekt. Pochemu on mozhet znachit bolshe, chem IQ
by Deniel Goulman
Paperback, Published by Mann, Ivanov I Ferber
ISBN-13: 978-5-00100-415-8, ISBN: 5-00100-415-2

by Deniel Goulman
Hardcover, Published 2018 by Alpina Pablisher
ISBN-13: 978-5-9614-6755-0, ISBN: 5-9614-6755-4

"Harvard Business Review â€" vedushchii mirovoi delovoi zhurnal s mnogoletnei istoriei. Vnimaniiu chitatelei predlagaetsia desiat luchshikh za vsiu istoriiu zhurnala statei o liderstve ot spetcialistov vedushchikh biznes-shkol i rukovoditelei-praktikov. Kak lichnost lidera i ego kharakter vliiaiut na stil rukovodstva? Kakie sushchestvuiut modeli upravleniia i v kakikh situatciiakh oni naibolee effektivny? Kakovy osnovnye zadachi glavy ko ..."

Sila dobra. Dalay-lama o tom, kak sdelat svoyu zhizn i mir luchshe
by Deniel Goulman
Hardcover, Published 2017 by Alpina Pablisher
ISBN-13: 978-5-9614-5941-8, ISBN: 5-9614-5941-1

"Vy kogda-nibud zadumyvalis: pochemu kazhdyi chelovek stremitsia k schastiu, no dostigaiut ego edinitcy? Bolshinstvo iz nas ponimaiut schaste kak uspekh ili beskonechnoe udovolstvie, odnako uspekh vsegda smeniaetsia neudachei, a radost â€" pechaliu... Zhizn, kak izvestno, polna nespravedlivosti, boleznei, goria i neminuemo zakanchivaetsia smertiu â€" vozmozhno li voobshche tut byt schastlivym? Po mneniiu buddistov â€" vozmozhno, no tolko ..."

Emotsionalnyy intellekt. Pochemu on mozhet znachit bolshe, chem IQ
by Deniel Goulman, Дэниел Гоулман
Paperback, 560 Pages, Published 2013 by Mann, Ivanov I Ferber
ISBN-13: 978-5-91657-684-9, ISBN: 5-91657-684-6

"Amerikanskii psikholog, priznannyi ekspert v oblasti emotcionalnogo intellekta Deniel Goulman utverzhdaet, chto nashi emotcii igraiut v dostizhenii uspekha v seme i na rabote gorazdo bolshuiu rol, chem eto priniato schitat. No chto zhe takoe «emotcionalnyi intellekt»? Mozhno li ego izmerit? Chem otlichaetsia «obychnyi» intellekt ot «emotcionalnogo» i pochemu obladateli pervogo zachastuiu ustupaiut mesto pod solntcem obladateliam v ..."

Emotsionalnyj intellekt. Pochemu on mozhet znachit bolshe, chem IQ
by Goulman Deniel
Softcover, Published 2021 by Mann, Ivanov I Ferber Ooo
ISBN-13: 978-5-00146-211-8, ISBN: 5-00146-211-8

Emotsionalnyy intellekt. Pochemu on mozhet znachit bolshe, chem IQ
by Goulman Deniel
Published by Mann, Ivanov I Ferber
ISBN-13: 978-5-00057-915-2, ISBN: 5-00057-915-1

All Authors

Deniel Goulman

Somchai Kusalacitto

Jeanne Tsai

Thupten Jinpa

Alan Wallace

Francisco Varela

Matthieu Ricard

Richard Davidson

Dalai Lama

Daniel Goleman

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