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Books by Clive Van Ryneveld

20th Century All-rounder(1st Edition)
reminiscences and reflections of Clive van Ryneveld
by Clive Van Ryneveld, John Woodcock
Paperback, 200 Pages, Published 2011 by Pretext
ISBN-13: 978-0-9870042-2-2, ISBN: 0-9870042-2-0

"When, in 1902, Cecil Rhodes, the African imperialist with an unstinting admiration for the Oxford ethos, set up a series of Oxford scholarships for colonial, American and German students, exactly the sort of person he must have had in mind was Clive van Ryneveld. Rhodes decreed that those students chosen should not be merely bookworms. Their fondness of and success in many outdoor sports such as cricket, football and the like should cou ..."

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John Woodcock

Clive Van Ryneveld